Monday 10 March 2014

It's tough up North!

Flushed with my success at the Dorset coastal I was looking forward to my next race, The Tour Deh Helvellyn. 38 miles in, over and around Helvellyn and the Lakes.

On the way up we had driving rain, snow and wind so strong I struggled to keep the car pointing in the right direction, this was going to be fun!

I had company for this race, I'd managed to pursuade my brother that it would be fun to come along, and besides he gets a lift home for Christmas. On arriving at the pub we had a nasty shock when they said we werb't booked in untill tommorrow and then to find the kitchen was closed early! Hmm a bad omen perhaps!?

I must admit I was more than a little aprehensive about this one, it had a ompulsory kit list as long as my arm, it was blowing an absolute hooley outside, there were lots of big hills and it was really far! haha, but that's why I do this stuff, scary stuff is fun, eventually, and you don't have adventures doing nothing!

That said I was almost happily disapointed when my Pertex over trousers where scrutinised at kit check and I was nearly not allowed to do the race. After a gentle bolocking for not having proper trousers I was allowed to get on with it though!

I've asked myself before when trail shoes are no longer sufficient and a pair of fell shoes would be necessary, turns out this would have been a great time to own some! I don't think I've ever properly fallen over flat on my face, rolling down hills, skidding around on my backside ect, but I must have spent more time on my arse than my feet, big chunky lumps of rubber would have been usefull, hell football boots would have been welcome!

This race provided everything underfoot from Tarmac, Scree, mud and rock you name it we had, even a swimming stage! The weather was a veritable delight of variation as well, one moment there was wind that knocked you off your feet, the next it was sunny and you were a boil in the bag runner! It was brilliant, brutal, but great!

I finished in a time of 8:00:42 in 38th place, pretty good.


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