Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Jurassic Coast - Pre Start

Right. My first multi day event, over three days I'm going to double the number of marathons I've done, and do it on some of Dorset's most impressive coastline!

The Jurassic Coast Challenge consists of three marathons in three consecutive days, over the Jurassic coast, bizarrely.

Arriving on Thurs night, to check into my luxury villa, or massive posh caravan, or even grotty tin pot caravan depending on your point of view, I went for the massive posh option, despite what it said on the side.

Everything in it's place, even the miniature heroes!
Believe it or not I'm massively organized in  my own little way, especially on things like this, I enjoy fiddling and getting ready and putting every thing in its place, so I set about organizing my little room and the kit I would need. Which to be honest was a bit of an unknown I felt I had brought a colossal amount of stuff for only three days, not sure what to actually take with me on the run I just went for small and light, partly because it makes sense if I'm carrying it, but mainly because my bag was really small and I was too tight to buy a larger one!

After an hour or so of fiddling, the couple I would be sharing the luxury villa with turned up, and I had apparently brought the bare minimum of kit. They had boxes and bags and tubs and all sorts, as it turned out Max was a seasoned runner having done this event several times and Sacha was a seasoned martial at these events. The perfect people for a novice like me to be sharing with, very friendly and full of help and advice.

After a little more fiddling and organising we set off to HQ for tea, lasagna. I don't normally eat pasta so this was a bit of a treat. Walking back to the van the thought occurred to me that I might need a little more food than was being offered, fortunately I had brought emergency rations, which I scoffed before my shower.

Yes the shower left a lot to be desired and lost the big posh caravan some brownie points. Hot water would only be produced from the shower after the sink tap was on for a while, then turned off, even then it would only last for a few minutes, then you'd have jump out and turn the tap on again and wait, then jump back in!

After a less than pleasant shower out came the powders, and potions and supplements, if any one were to peer in the window it would appear a Colombian drug lord was having a party.
After a frenzied mixing of sports drinks, electrolytes and various products with 'Power' and 'Energy' in the title, we sit down to watch the telly. As it happens Sacha is also going to do all three days for the first time. It's always nice to have someone as apprehensive as you on things like this.

Sitting in bed that night as the van rocked from side to side in gale force winds and rain drummed mercilessly on the aluminium roof, I did have a brief flash of questioning disbelief at what I had signed up for, the thought didn't last long mind!

For more info and to sponsor me check out my website: https://sites.google.com/site/sandbetweenmytoesmds/home

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