Monday 26 November 2012

In the begining

In an attempt to raise awareness for my Marathon Des Sables (MDS), the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) and generally raise as much money as I can, I have decided to take a truly multi media approach. Those of you that know me may be rather impressed, seeing as I can't really work face book and tend to "like" stuff accidentally as I'm scrolling down the page on my phone! So blogging is really rather impressive! By the way I'm not a geriatric old fart that doesn't like technology, I just don't really care about facebook, twitter or any other form of media where people let you know how fantastic a bowel movement that they had this morning was!

So on that note I have absolutely no idea why people would give a monkeys about what I have to say about my life as an aspiring ultra runner, but hopefully it will give someone a chuckle, and I might enjoy myself writing it.

What am I going to write about then, the plan was just to witter on about some of the things I'm learning and hopefully some of the adventures I might have on my journey to the MDS. I will try and do as many posts as I can, I'm aiming for a minimum of once a week if they become popular I'll try and churn more out.

Can I please put a disclaimer out there: I am not an expert, nothing I say is based in science, this is merely a blog so if you decide to get worked up over things, get over it, but please do enjoy and feel free to get in contact.

Here we go then......